なお、しりちゃんv6の場合は全てのコマンドが「Siriv6」から始まりますのでご注意ください。 (例:「Siri:オン」→「Siriv6:オン」)
コマンド (1)では誰もが使用できるコマンドを紹介します。
また、Siri:オフの状態でもコマンド操作はできるので安心してくださいm(_ _)m
続いては、4. コマンド (2)。
Siri-chan L comannds start "siri:", but Siri-chan v6 commands start "siriv6:". (ex:"siriv6:on") so please be careful.
I introduse commands, which can be used by everyone, at "Command (1)".
Even when Siri-chan is unresponsive, defending from trolls instructions are always enabled.
If you want be enable or genarate this, please use "Siri:招待URL生成".
The creator information is getted from LINE's information.
But sometimes LINE's information don't have the creator information, in that case, Siri-chan select most old user of your group as a group creater.
(However Siri-chan v6 has the instruction of changing cretor and of locking creator, this does not apply to that.)
Next, 4. Command (2)