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[6] Siri L version bug
Date: 2015/11/10 20:52
Name: Rafa◆3wUvuR5h36 ID:YJQn0ERw

Siri L verison get bugs. When i add eliza, L1 version to grups, contact doesnt joined to grup. Please fix this bugs i want protect my grup. Thanks.

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Re: Siri L version bug ( No.21 )
Date: 2016/02/27 07:18
Name: icezaazeed00 ID:DIEiEZVk

Re: Siri L version bug ( No.22 )
Date: 2016/03/21 00:00
Name: taylor swift ID:dcqgGV3k

I'm very beautiful
Re: Siri L version bug ( No.23 )
Date: 2016/03/21 00:01
Name: taylor swift ID:dcqgGV3k

Hey you
Re: Siri L version bug ( No.24 )
Date: 2016/03/21 00:01
Name: taylor swift ID:dcqgGV3k

I'm poor. But very beauty
Re: siriv6:contact ( No.25 )
Date: 2016/03/23 22:03
Name: Door ID:wvC1EMuE

Help me
Re: Siri L version bug ( No.26 )
Date: 2016/03/24 15:34
Name: Vitaloka ID:dn57IVAk

Hei . my siri L version can't joined the group . i don't know why . please fix this . i want to protect my group .
Re: Siri L version bug ( No.27 )
Date: 2016/03/24 16:17
Name: Rey ID:Lu5QrAT2

How to make siri available on group chat ? The first time i took here to a group chats , she is still protecting the group, but when i add her to another group chat , she didn't join the chat like the first , can anyone help me ? My friends also have a trouble with this

Thank you(
Re: Siri L version bug ( No.28 )
Date: 2016/03/30 08:07
Name: flook ID:s9s8Y7E.

Siri L verison get bugs. When i add eliza, L1 version to grups, contact doesnt joined to grup. Please fix this bugs i want protect my grup. Thanks.
Re: Siri L version bug ( No.29 )
Date: 2016/03/30 08:10
Name: flook ID:flookflook ID:s9s8Y7E.

Siri L verison get bugs. When i add eliza, L1 version to grups, contact doesnt joined to grup. Please fix this bugs i want protect my grup. Thanks.
Re: Siri L version bug ( No.30 )
Date: 2016/03/30 09:03
Name: f ID:flookflook1994 ID:IbcFywqI

Siri L verison get bugs. When i add eliza, L19 version to grups, contact doesnt joined to grup. Please fix this bugs i want protect my grup. Thanks.

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