Today, I have release v8.5.
v8 already upgraded automatically to v8.5.
Change and New Feature
1. v8.5 can use the optianal protect accounts.
v8.5 can use the optianal protect accounts with しりちゃん, Eliza, Parry etc.
The optianal protect accounts will work as same as Eliza, Parry and Dorctor.A.
You can invite 5 optianal protect accounts with free, and you can use maximum 30 accounts with the tickets.
(If you would you like to invite over 5 accounts, you need the restore tickets every 5 accounts.)
The optianal protect accounts can be showed at SiriRegiCenter by sending "siriv8:optionalAccount".
2. Stamp limitation
The instruct of the stamp limitation will kick out the user who sends 15 stamps within 60 sec.
If you would you like to use this function, please send "set:StampLimitation:On".
3. Add the time limit to sharing group's black and white list.
To prevent to spread the malicious list, I have introduced 1 month time limit to shared list.
4. Improve stability.
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180. subject (2017/04/03 (Mon) 16:19:28)
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v8.5 can use the optianal protect accounts with しりちゃん, Eliza, Parry etc.
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