Sorry for stopping しりちゃん and other bots.
2016年11月11日より新たなLINEからの規制により、自動的にIP Banが行われ、しりちゃんなどのボットが動作できない状況にありました。
Because LINE had introduced the new limitation about automatically IP ban to bots, しりちゃん and other bots could not run the their services.
I already completed analyzing some LINE applications, I have introduced its results to the bots. so しりちゃんv8.5 and SiriRegiCenter is runnnig now :)
しりちゃんv7 cannot adapt its analysed results, so I have upgraded all v7 to v8.5.
- 経緯 Details -
2016.11.11 (evening) LINE introduced the new limitation(1) with hand operation
(night) しりちゃん recovered with changing IP.
2016.11.14 (morning) LINE introduced the new limitation(1) with auto operation.
2016.11.15 (morning) しりちゃん recovered with analysis.
2016.11.16 (evening) LINE introduced the more new limitation(2).
2016.11.19 (evening) しりちゃん pre-recovered with other analysis.
2016.11.21 (morning) しりちゃん all-recovered with more analysis.
- 招待券の返還について。 About returing the invitation tickets. -
If your group was destoyed from anyone about 11/14 〜 11/21, I will return your invitation tickets, so please send the screenshot with including that some one kick out しりちゃん to Twitter DM.
If you want to return the restore tickets which was used for purchaing the optional protect accounts, please send the time when you purchased it to Twitter DM.